
Abscond we will not[Pack meeting]



2 Years
08-04-2016, 09:02 AM (This post was last modified: 08-04-2016, 09:02 AM by Ren.)
The pissiness from Riv was clear, and Ren was quite amused by it - though he did not show it. His words about leaving made Ren think about doing just that; he truly had no desire to be under the rule of this wolf. Him and Rivaxorus exchanged only a few words while he was here in Myriad, for Ren mostly kept to himself. His thoughts came to a grinding halt when Rivaxorus spoke to him. Ha! Not welcome here? After one little disagreement? How weak. Would he do that for every wolf who told him that their future was not his to control? And it seems his sister no longer wished he was here either. Fine - he could leave. He said nothing - he was just going to leave, anyways - but then an unexpected voice piped up.

Ren turned towards Nixie, surprised, though he did not show it. A sharp twinge of affection sparked in his chest; his sister was defending him? He shouldn't be surprised by it, but he was. He did, after all, avoid everyone - including them. And yet, they still did care. And then... Kaitlyn. Ren watched, quietly, as she spoke up for him too - unbelieving, almost, though most certainly remaining stoic and not showing any of these emotions that were roaring within. After all, it would do no good for Rivaxorus to see those emotions - and he wouldn't. Concern did, however, flash in his eyes as Kait's body started shaking, and then her hissed words and - this wasn't normal. Nixie's words; they were normal. This was decisively not.

He had no time to react, because Zephyra snapped, and a soft intake of breath was the outward sign of his surprise. Did... did Zephyra have nothing to do with this? Zephyra then turned to him, and his blue eyes met her red ones, so similar to their mother's. He let his guard down then, only for her - so she could see the myriad of emotions that swam within. Surprise, shock, gratitude... and then she fled after Kaitlyn. Oh, he would follow her; Riv's words be damned, he would follow both of them.

Except... his path was blocked before he could even move. He stiffened. Not just one, but two wolves blocked his way, fur bristling and snarling. Realizing that he was likely not going to push through both of them, he forced his body to relax. He watched them, absolutely unfazed and... uncaring. About them, anyways. He could think of nothing more that would throw a wolf off than their growling and snarling to be met with someone who wasn't even the slightest bit afraid.

Still, Rivaxorus spoke soon and snapped at his own pack. He could tell, from the alpha's words, that Rivaxorus was quite pissed... and sinking to the level where he thought petty insults would anger Ren. Far from it; he was amused by it, though he kept that tightly locked within, instead just staring passively at Riv. When Riv was done spouting pissy words at him, he stood and pushed past the two that Riv had called off.

"I do not care. Not about this pack, and sure as hell not about you. I do, however, care for Nixie, Kaitlyn, and Zephyra," he clarified, his tone absolutely final, his cyan eyes searching to meet Riv's, his hard and stony expression showing that he would not budge - period. He said nothing more as he turned away, facing the direction Kait and Zephyra went and running after them.

--Attempted Exit--