
Chamomile Starts With C [PO]



7 Years
Athena I

08-05-2016, 10:44 PM

Zuriel's brows lifted with interest when she listed to Kavdaya explanation of how she seemed to be following the lead of her ancestors after she had described why she would be leaving. Zuriel enjoyed history and stories anyway and now that she knew about this new bit of information she was interested to know more. However, her brother appeared next to her, nudging her side, and broke her train of thought. She grinned at him and watched him move past them down the ravine. Her two-toned gaze focused in on Kavdaya once again when she asked about putting something together for her to carry the herbs in. Zuriel smiled graciously and nodded in agreement. "Yes, that would be very helpful." She was glad that Kavdaya was taking her leaving so well. So far her and Regulus both had been nothing but supportive about it. She just hoped that her mother and father would be as well. She tipped her head up to look at Regulus when he came back and spoke to her about a meeting and she nodded to him, giving him a grin. "I'm sure I can keep myself busy here a few days longer.

A few more wolves would trickle in then, including Creed, Castiel, and one of the newer wolves she wasn't as familiar with. Luckily the sand-colored wolf introduced herself and Zuriel sent a small smile in her direction. One of her youngest siblings appeared, already bursting at the seams with questions. She chuckled softly as she watched the young girl babble on with questions, grinning a little at her. She remembered when she had been that overly curious. She didn't think she had ever been quite so talkative, but perhaps her parents would disagree.

Kavdaya began to speak soon after, answering a few of Rasiel's questions before she began the lesson in earnest. Zuriel's eyes went to the herbs the lead healer had brought with her as she began naming them. They were all herbs Zuriel was aware of, but some she was more familiar with than others. She knew there was always learning to be done and she was glad to be learning some more of these herb's uses before she set out. Kavdaya posed the same question that she had at their last gathering about how to transport ill wolves and Zuriel lifted her gaze to gaze curiously at the wolves that had gathered. She was curious to see what they would think of that she hadn't. Zuriel's head tipped thoughtfully when Solveiga mentioned twisting and braiding the material to make it tougher. Creed's suggestion of the deer hide got her thinking as well and then she spoke up, saying, "Perhaps if we had a strip of the deer hide long enough to twist around both sides of the structure and then have it come across the front it would be easier for one wolf to pull it. That way if only one healer was around or only one wolf could get away from the fight to get the injured one to safety they could." She used her paw to draw what she was envisioning in the dirt in front of her, drawing a rectangle with a loop coming off of two of the corners on one of the shorter sides, forming a design similar to that of a chariot. "Maybe we could braid that piece as well to made it stronger and a little easier on the mouth of the wolf that's pulling it as well."

"Talk" "You" Think