
Let Loose, Get Freaky



4 Years

08-06-2016, 03:50 PM

Tsiry was in love with this island, and warned Peregrine that she may never leave. It had been three days since their arrival, and while Peregrine did not want to leave her guide-turned-friend behind (not that Tsiry would likely call her a friend in return) she had started to consider the possibility. The idea of staying stagnant in one place was unpleasant, but she could agree that this locale was more than agreeable. Its claimte was hot and muggy, feeling more like summer than the rest of the content did. Warm storms rolled in off the coast and drenched them with quick bursts of rain from time to time. The flora was lush and the fauna was plentiful enough that she had even managed to catch herself a yearling hog.

Alright, to be honest the meal was keeping her here more than Tsiry was. She had only eaten half of the carcass so far, and had strips of flesh laying out on the shore of the island to dry out. She's soaked them in brine to help the preservation but as of yet she wasn't sure it would work. Maybe she could spare a few more days... Regardless, Tsiry was no where to be found. Peregrine was used to her prosimian friend taking off for a day or two, so it was nothing new. Still... she was bored, and that rarely ended well for either of them. At the moment Peregrine was sat on the shore, watching the waves roll in and marveling at the view. The bulk of Boreas was just visible through the distant haze, and she wasn't looking forward to the swim back, especially with Tsiry on her back. Maybe they could make a raft for her to tug along this time instead. She tossed the idea about in her mind as the minutes slipped by.

"Talk" "You" Think