
Let Loose, Get Freaky



2 Years
08-06-2016, 04:20 PM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2016, 08:52 PM by Ren.)
He needed to get away from the hell that was Myriad. What a disgusting, annoying place with an alpha who was as idiotic as he was childish. Still, it was true he made the choice to stay; he could not make any other choice. Not after the fight that Zephyra, Nixie, and Kaitlyn put up. While he despised the pack, and despised Rivaxorus, he could not... he could not abandon his sisters. While he was much different from the idealistic young man he had been the previous year, that was one thing that had never changed.

Still, he could not stand being in those pack lands one second more. So he took off, diving into the waters of the Sea's Plain while it was in low tide, and swam out, paws pushing firmly in the water as he headed for the nearby island. It was not the same island as the one the... the wedding had been on; no, this was a completely different island that always teased as it loomed just on the horizon - so close, but so far as well. He'd never really had the motivation to actually, well, go there. Well... looks like his hatred and disgust was fuel enough.

Feeling drained and tired, he pulled himself to the shore, panting softly as he shook himself, wincing as sand stuck to his paws and legs. Ew. He lowered himself back into the water briefly, to wash away the sand, before standing again. That was better; it would still stick to his paws but maybe - just maybe - not his legs. He could see the trees not too far off, and he headed towards the treeline, head low as he carefully placed his paws.

"Speech" "You"