


08-06-2016, 05:42 PM
Where - Where was she? She could've sworn she crossed back at the right point! But... she didn't recognize anything. Nothing felt the way it should - nothing she saw, felt, heard, nothing. Even the ground underneath her paws was unfamiliar. She couldn't even smell any wolves from where she was. She just wanted to prove to Kass, Rommel and Remy that she was ready for the journey up North that they were talking about - to Yfir. And now... now she couldn't find them!

She whined softly, sitting down where she was. She was upset, unhappy, and desperately wanting to find them, but... but she couldn't if she didn't think. She wasn't sure how she got where she was, but she would try to get back... somehow. Her head tilted back to stare up at the sky; the vivid colors stood out to her, and she smiled. Oranges, reds, and blues all mixed for what was a gorgeous sunset; the clouds were wispy and took the colors very well. She was so happy to know the names of the colors; Kass taught her them, and they were definitely happy memories for the small girl.

It made her feel a bit better, the sunset sky, though it also scared her. She wasn't supposed be gone long... only long enough to grab one of the branches from the many flowering trees in the orchard... and indeed, she still had that branch beside her. It was a bit... wet from swimming, but all the flowers were there still. She leaned down and breathed the soft fragrance of the flowers, before peering at the color; it was a light purple color, and absolutely beautiful. But now... now she couldn't find Kass to give it to him. Frowning, she sat up, sighing again. Ohh, what did she do?


art by kebabpekonirulla