



4 Years
08-07-2016, 07:59 PM

Ganta wasn’t angry that the woman had called him young. Compared to her he was... He was probably less than a third of her age or so, if that, not that he knew that simply by looking at the wofless. But she was old enough to have children about his age, and that told the boy she was at least twice his age. He breathed in as she asked if he was Sin’s child, giving a small nod. It looked as though he’d been stung. He hadn’t suspected anyone might guess his father off the bat, though with the clue he gave, well... It wasn’t as though death matches were being had right and left.

“I am.” Ganta let out a soft sigh, gaze shifting away from the wolfess. “Though I’m not like him, nor my older siblings. They had darkness in their hearts... And while I’m not the lightest wolf out there I know right from wrong.” His ghostly eyes returned back to the woman. “I’m Ganta, Ganta Hellstrom-Lore.” He spoke the last part of his name proudly; he was his mother’s child.

“Do not get me wrong, Avalon. I loved my father, he was still my father after all, but that does not mean I had to agree with the things he did. Just like I don’t agree with the man who killed him in the death match. More and more blood will spilled... If I know my old siblings things won’t end there.” Ganta kept his ears pinned flat against his head.

“I’ll be honest with you too... I’m tired of being alone. I don’t know if you can find it in you to give me a chance when my father was who he was, but if you do... I can promise to work hard. I’m more of a fighter, but I know a bit of healing arts too.” Ganta dipped his head to the she-wolf. If she didn’t consider him he supposed there was always the battlefield to try and get a pack.

"Talk" "You" Think

I'm here without you...