
We'll All Float On


08-07-2016, 11:12 PM
I have my mother's dreams,

I have father's eyes,

The Adravendi boy was a year old... Though some days it didn’t feel like it. He felt huge for his body, being the tallest out of his siblings. He had been doing some more thinking, reflecting on his meetings with Roza, Lionel, and Heather. Each one had been different... Just a bit of time spent with his family members. Yet the boy didn’t feel it were enough. He had come to accept, once and for all, that Svetlana was not coming home. Her presence had faded from Fiori... And though Alfie missed her he made a promise to himself to keep going and be strong.

The falls were his current place of investigation, his anxiety a little better managed on his home turf. He breathed in and out slowly, ears perked as he looked around him at the beautiful scenery. The running water beside him looked inviting, though the boy wasn’t confident enough yet to brave swimming. One shouldn’t underestimate the power of nature, he thought. With ears perking forward the young man shifted his attention towards a rustling in the grass. Seeing a small bird flutter up into the sky from the patch he thought of Roza’s companion. He felt... Envious of her. She was pretty and had a little companion following her around. Would he ever be that lucky?

It wasn’t an extreme jealousy at least, and Alfie let out a light laugh. If he wanted to find a smaller animal to be his companion than he’d better look for one! Blue eyes looked both high and low, wondering what manner of creature he might run into today.

"Talk," 'Think.'

You can't take that from me;

Just Go ahead And try!