



4 Years

08-08-2016, 09:49 AM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2016, 09:51 AM by Peregrine.)

Peregrine was entranced by the pale forest which surrounded her. Her mind felt hazy, as if she'd eaten some funky mushrooms (again) and she was having a bit of a rough time navigating. Everything looked the same, just as pale, just as lifeless. The sunset floated above her in vivid contrast. Perhaps it's saturation had sucked all the color from this land. She wouldn't be surprised, honestly, if that sort of magic existed in the world. What other explanation was there? Tsiry sat on her back, tiny digits clinging to her mane while her eyes cast about around them. She was a bit unsettled by all of this as well. Peregrine had nearly convinced herself to turn back when she caught sight of a young girl up ahead, coat pale and tinted with bits of... blue? Yup, this place was definitely magical. It was decided.

Creeping closer, Peregrine noticed she looked... sad? Her eyes were downcast and she seemed quite interested in a single twig bearing purple flowers, one that she guessed had come from outside this pale place. Interesting. She frowned, and on impulse cleared her throat. The thing was probably upset, she didn't want to startle her on top of it. Blunt as ever, she asked, "Are you a bit of myth? This place seems unlikely to exist outside of legends, I can't make heads or tails of it." Tsiry poked her head upwards, appearing around Peregrine's fat head to get a better look for herself. Peregrine gave Tsiry a bit of a jostle to warn her that she was about to sit down, and the lemur sprung away, grasping an ivory vine before hauling herself up into the canopy. She had the decency to keep herself a good few yards away from the girl, knowing that some valued their personal space more than other. She waited quietly for an answer.

"Talk" "You" Think