
no time to bleed



7 Years
Extra large
08-08-2016, 12:51 PM (This post was last modified: 08-08-2016, 04:36 PM by Diarmuid. Edit Reason: q )

Each step was as precise as the last, taken with the most extreme caution. It didn't matter to him that it was highly unlike he'd be ambushed here, in this strange thicket; each day was taken with the same heed no matter the circumstances. The briars that snagged on the fur of his limbs as he walked didn't bother him terribly, for example. They were more irritating than painful, though each sharp briar that tugged at his coat was a simple reminder of his task at hand, rather than any sort of hindrance to him. Diarmuid wore a plain, simple expression as he moved - it was void of much other than determination.

His gait only slowed when he heard something that sounded suspiciously like pawsteps, in the distance. The rustling of vegetation was an obvious sound, and he would slow to a halt as his head lifted, nose twitching as he tested the air. He hardly caught a whiff of the scent before he heard a careless yelp, echoing through the darkness of night clearly. A slight frown touched his lips, though it disappeared almost as soon as it had arrived. It was obvious now that this stranger didn't intend to sneak up on him - and if that was their goal, they were doing an absolutely horrid job.

Curious, he would turn toward the sound, continuing to move as quiet as physically possible as he navigated around the thicket. It didn't take long at all for the stranger's scent to find him, and it took even less time for him to hear another woman's voice sound in the night. Though his body urged him to turn the other direction, he couldn't help but wonder at the same time if they might have any information on the children. Somewhat begrudgingly, he would move toward the two - stopping a fair distance away to get a better look at them. His posture held no threat, but he stood tall and sure, his head lifting as he stared at the two women. "Not sure if you two could be much louder," he'd offer, a half-serious sort of greeting, his nose wrinkling. "Is this always such a popular place this time of night?" Surely there must be a better place to hang out, no? He'd only traveled this way because he thought he'd been chasing a familiar scent, but he'd come up short thus far.

"Talk" "You" Think
Name is pronounced deer-mid