



06-17-2013, 04:55 AM
The first time that she had ever come to the battlefield, it was to see why the earth had smelled faintly of blood. She was packless at the time, packless and lost and wondering just where her place in the world was. Now? Now things were different, she was an alpha, she was a leader of a pack that she loved - a pack that had alliances in nearly every corner. Seracia, Glaciem, and even Ludicael. She knew the sunset colored female, she had come to Valhalla while she was pregnant - but a bit of time had passed since then. Chrysanthe considered the woman a fellow leader, a friend, and hearing that she had summoned another lupine to a death match was devistating. What was she doing? She had a family to take care of! Yet at the same time she knew not what the wolf that she had called to the battlefield had done. Perhaps she was protecting the very family she had so very recently built.
She knew no one that was here, but spoke to no one. Standing near the edge of the field, her auds twitched as the male showed himself. A large brute, but around the same size as Syrinx - nothing to fear from size alone. He sounded like he was a bit touched in the head though, speaking as if he was hell's very own lord. She frowned, her ears pulling back slightly - fighting a madman was dangerous, there was never any telling what they would do. She prayed that Jupiter knew what she was doing, that she wouldn't forfeit her life during this fight. Should anything happen, Chrysanthe would make sure that the female's children were looked after and cared for. The new mother had probably made plans herself, but on the off chance she hadn't and then lost - she would step in herself.

But she had faith in the woman to win, despite her opponent's size. And so she quietly awaited the end of the battle, her stomach tight and her blue gaze locked on the battle.