



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-08-2016, 06:39 PM
So she was right in her guess. He was Sin's child, and she was surprised to find that he looked nothing like him save for the white pelt. The rest? Probably from his mother's side. She listened to his long explanation, storing his name away for the future. Ganta...while he still retained his father's name, at least he also had his mother's name to even out what Sin had created and possibly destroyed. But who was she to judge that? Then when he mentioned about his other siblings, and the man who had killed his father. So...Cypress had created more enemies, and if Ganta was right, then Sin's eldest would do what they could to make sure they paid. The thought made her shiver, and she thought about going over to Myriad to warn her nephew, but thought it best to stay out of it. Arian had started a feud, it wasn't her business or place to get involved.

She had listened with open ears, hearing his plea and his promise. While she'd wanted things in Ivalice to change, she wasn't going to refuse him a place if that was indeed what he wanted. She didn't want to be the one to judge him because of his father. So the most she would do would probably be to just keep an eye on him...She didn't want to distrust him, but there were already some in her pack who put her on edge as it was. "Ganta, I will not judge you based on your father's actions. You sound sincere and honest, and if you really wish it, then I will grant you a place within Ivalice. Just know that you must prove your loyalty and work hard if you wish to remain. Unfortunately, since I created Ivalice in the's been rather quiet."

Hopefully this mild warning would help him understand the situation she was in. She didn't want to force anyone out, and she wanted those within to take it seriously as it was their home that she had so easily granted to them. "The rules and laws are simple, and as long you promise to work hard, then Ivalice will always be your home." She smiled at him, allowing him a response to her words before making the decision absolute.


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