
i'm such a fool for sacrifice



5 Years
08-08-2016, 07:55 PM

He missed them. No matter how far away he wandered, he always drew closer and closer to where home was. He could now say this with certainty; home was Abaven, and he had been a fool to not realize it sooner. He did not regret the long, winding trail he took back from the North; Boreas was truly a beautiful land, and was plentiful too. It offered much for his desires and his craft - which thankfully coincided to be the same thing. He liked his flowers, after all.

Well, and stems. He eyed the horsetail and chuckled quietly. There was so much here, but that wasn't what he was looking for. He was looking for Ginseng, a rare herb that he needed to gather at least a bit of, for its usefulness. It could be used for elder wolves, especially, but for pups too. Both were more susceptible to sickness, and elders in particular could use the energy it gave. He could think of no one who could use it immediately, but who knows... maybe someone in Abaven was about to give birth? He chuckled again, this time a bit sadly. He'd been gone for so long... he didn't even know what could possibly have happened.

A soft chirp sounded ahead, and he glanced up and paused in his search to smile up at Stella, who flew above him. "Thanks. We're almost home, Stella," he told her, and she let out an excited trill. She didn't really talk much, but she always seemed to know how he was feeling, and what to do. He chuckled, and resumed his search, rounding a particular thick patch of vegetation, completely oblivious to Lark who was nearby and within clear sight. Nope, his nose was in the dirt, looking for one single thing - ginseng.

Which, to his luck, he just found. He let out a loud cry of triumph. "Look, Stella!" He laughed joyously, and backed away a bit from the ginseng. He'd have to extract it carefully; he needed the root, after all. He definitely didn't want to lose any part of it. He was lucky enough as is to find it.

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