
i'm such a fool for sacrifice



5 Years
08-08-2016, 09:44 PM (This post was last modified: 08-22-2016, 10:14 AM by Starling.)

He remained absolutely, undeniably oblivious to Lark, even though he was so close. Instead, his nose was filled with the scent of dirt and ginseng. He was so happy to have found some; he secretly hoped that there were indeed pups in Abaven, now. "I can't believe we found some, Stella!," he chirped himself, tail wagging, and he laughed again, happily - that is, until Lark's voice cut through it. Limb that were previously relaxed, tensed as he leaped away from the ginseng, his head snapping up... to be met with a face that he certainly did not want to see. His entire body stiffened, all traces of the joy that previously sufficed him utterly gone.

He heard the hurt in his brother's tone, and saw it in the sharpness of his gaze. Quickly, Starling glanced away, ears flattening. "L-Lark." If only he was able to retort with something friendly, with something silly and nice. He could any other time but not - not to Lark. Just something like 'nope, pretty sure I grew out of it' but no, he couldn't, he just... he just couldn't. Instead he stood there stiffly, ears flattened, not knowing what to do. Apologize? He did that so much lately. But he had to start somewhere, right? "I-I'm s-s-sorry," he murmured, bowing his head, all the while cursing his infernal stutter. He was doing just fine! Why did it have to act up now? But he knew - he was being confronted, finally, for his idiocy, and he wanted to run away like every other time, but he couldn't do that. Not again.

"I w-was an idiot," he confessed, hanigng his head. But no - he had to face Lark. But why was it so damned hard? He sighed quietly, lifting his head to stare into Lark's eyes, with his own filled with tears. Not knowing where to start, he simply switched to the language he never had a problem in - a safe language, one that he was comforted in. "So quello che ho fatto. Ero ... ti ho fatto male con la mia stupidità." It was the truth, and nothing but. He finally did realize it, though it took so long for him to do so.

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