
Abscond we will not[Pack meeting]



5 Years
08-09-2016, 10:27 AM

For the moment the mixed emotions had eased and the male found himself happy to be in the company of other pack mates. Looking around the male watched as others began to appear. First came the current youngest in the pack fallowed by the older man that normally accompanied her, a quiet pair, but they seemed friendly. Next came the Kariudo, Lourdes who happily greeted both him and Armai. He smiled at the older women and wagged his tail in a friendly and welcoming greeting. Lourdes took a seat close to him and Armai and Jackson let her settle.

"Nice to see you again too," he replied before turning his attention back to the other members who gathered.

Next came the foreign female that Xeph had brought into the pack, one that Jackson had interest in trying to get to know. He had been hesitant because he knew she would not be able to understand him vary well and he wouldn't be able to understand her either, but it was important for the pack to know each other and he would just have to figure out how to communicate with her. He would make it a task to meet and get to know her somewhat, maybe she would have interest in hunting with him.

Next were the sisters another pair he would like to get to know. The two of them were now his extended family and he wanted to work with them and spend some time with them. Xeph came next and instead of seating himself with the foreign female, he sat alone. Hera was to fallow and finally would be Ren and each wolf he spotted, whether they made eye contact with him or not, he gave a friendly wag of his tail to. Jackson hadn't taken notice to anything out of order and as his brother spoke up his attention turned to him.

He listened to the words his brother spoke and he agreed. The pack had been quiet and together they all needed to pick things up and get more activity going. He was sure even small tasks could use an extra body and the pack needed to work together to get themselves prepared for the upcoming seasons. Permission was given for anyone to call hunts and spars and the male smiled at the opportunity. He hadn't had much luck the last time with a hunt, but maybe he would with another one. Training was also something he needed to do, he just needed to find someone who was willing to train with him.

Something in his brother then changed and he fallowed his gaze to land on Ren. The words his brother spoke made his eyes widen and he felt a lump develop in his throat. Ren wasn't allowed? What had he done? Jackson didn't know the history between Ren and his brother nor did he understand what was going on. After that things spiraled out of control and the mass of emotions he had been battling came back full force. The sisters cried out in protest, clearly upset that their family would be torn apart. One ran off, then Zephyra grew angry. Jackson's ears flattened as things continued with Zephyra running after her sister.

With the queen gone, more tensions began to thicken the air around them. Xeph was up and trying to chase the man off, fallowed by Lourdes who was telling Ren to leave. It made Jackson shift uncomfortably in place. His brother then spoke again, but this time Jackson couldn't comprehend what he was saying. Instead the young man rose from his seat, realizing he was dismissed and disappeared. The tension was to much and he needed to zip away and clear his head. Still unsure of what had just happened.

-exit Jackson-

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

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