
no time to bleed



5 Years
08-09-2016, 05:06 PM

The first to come upon the wounded Phim was another young female. She blended in well with the darkness, but she did nothing else to conceal herself. Rather, she announced her presence loudly and immediately. Phim couldn't help but smile. Sure, it was odd that anyone would be out in this mess so late, and alone at that, but she obviously couldn't judge. Unfortunately, Phim made a habit of wandering around at night, often ending up in strange places and forgetting how she'd gotten there in the first place. She didn't sleep walk or have a memory disorder. She simply didn't pay attention, focusing too much on the thoughts dancing around her mind and too little on her surroundings.

Still, it was odd that she'd managed to get so deep into the briar and only just now end up stabbed. She'd have to thank her subconscious later.

"I wouldn't say that I, personally, like to live dangerously so much as stupidly," she replied with a blush. It was always so embarrassing when she got caught. "I'm Phim, and it's very nice to meet you." And it was very nice. After all, Phim had no idea how she'd gotten where she was, so she could certainly use a helping hand back out.

A rustle, closely followed by a second voice, drew her attention. A male this time approached, but stopped a little further away. He was clearly judging them, though she wasn't certain why. Who cared if they were loud? Not like anything was going to come all the way out in this mess to attack them. Her smile thinned out of irritation, but it didn't disappear. If Phim was truly good at anything, politeness was one. "It certainly appears that way," she said sweetly, brushing past his first comment. She could be polite, but she wouldn't lie. And she also wouldn't offer her name to this one just yet. She tended to offer her name quickly to avoid seeming rude, but when she was annoyed or upset she would sometimes wait a beat. Most wolves wouldn't notice the "slight" or be bothered, but it gave Phim satisfaction anyway.


Phim's brother, Daitaro, is allowed to crash literally all of her threads.

[Image: xc4TMGm.png]