
Abscond we will not[Pack meeting]


08-09-2016, 08:05 PM
She had been the first to speak, and now she was the last of her immediate family to leave. Nixie forced herself to watch and listen as Kait changed, threatening the mean boy before running off. And she herself had the thought of chewing off his toes! Then Zephy shouted at him and ran off to follow Kait. Her own fur bristled then after Zephy left, because one male decided to get all up in her brothers fave while another one decided to stand reeeaaal close to Riv all protective like, and that was when Nixie narrowed her eyes questioningly at the odd behavior. Yeah she didn't understand alot, but that wasn't normal, was it? She couldn't wait to tell Zephy that Riv and another girl were getting real close! Her hackles raised, teeth bared as dual toned eyes watching the jerks who were threatening Ren, and then Riv spoke again and calling them off...after what felt and sounded like more threats to her brother. Well, if he thought they were loyal, then he didn't know what loyalty was. He sure as hell didn't have her loyalty, nope not one bit!

"You're just a big bully! You don't know anything about us and you never tried! You're the worst alpha ever, and you're nothing but a big poop head you big dumb meanie!" She was upset, and so came the tantrum. She couldn't remember when she'd last had one, she was. "You're gonna be the reason that Zephy fails! She was fine without you, we were fine without you! I don't even know why she married a big dummy like you! She never wanted to get married! But you forced her, yeah I bet you did! And if you ever hurt her then I'll chew your big stupid toes off!" She snapped her teeth shut as if to emphasize her point. The little teal fluff ball was fluffed out like an angry cat, and yet here she was yelling at a wolf that was like a mountain compared to her! But she didn't care, she wasn't afraid. "I'm only here for Zephy! I don't know you, so you can keep the loyalty or whatever you call it that these big bone heads throw at you, but you won't get mine anytime soon, no no no! That's only for my family and Zephy because She's my sister and alpha!" She glanced angrily at the others who were acting hostile, stepping back as she slowly began to remove herself from this meeting. "And if any of you even think about messing with my family, I'll chew off your toes too!" With that, she turned and dashed after her siblings.

-exit nixie-