
Andris Derus



3 Years
08-12-2016, 11:51 AM
Design: #1
Where has he been?:
It took a little time but eventually Andris did find a pack he wanted to join. Once there the young man thrived, he made friends and even began a tentative courtship. The alpha of the pack appeared to be a kind man, no one knew of his controlling or abusive attitude in regards to his family, or if they did they did not speak about it.

As fate would have it the woman Andris found himself falling for was the alpha's eldest daughter, his born successor. The woman was loud and outspoken but as they grew closer she revealed the fear and self-hatred a life of abuse at her father's hands had instilled in her. They agreed to keep their courtship a secret for the time being out of fear of retribution.

They would conceive of ways they could spend time together, joining each other for patrols or stopping to chat in passing. Andris became obsessed with achieving a higher rank, a guard position for the alpha's family. It would give them the freedom they needed to spend more time together.

That was never truly achieved however as a few months after their relationship grew more serious she approached Andris and fearfully explained that she was pregnant. There was a mingling of fear and joy at this announcement and they immediately began planning an escape route for her. Andris could only think of one other place they could go so using his the good will he had with the alpha he took a trip to visit his mother to ask her if she would be willing to help them during the time of his mate's pregnancy and the early stages of rearing pups.  

He would find his mother on her last legs by the time he finally found her. Distraught he took more time away than he had originally planned to comfort her during her final hours and give her a burial, all the while guilt over abandoning his mother and sister and worry for his mate and future children swirling around in his mind.

Andris would rush back to the pack to tell his mate that they would just have to do their best on their own but he never made it back. As the pregnancy developed further it became to hard to hide it from her father and threatening the pups in his daughter's womb he forced from her the identity of their father. A patrol of the pack's best warriors intercepted Andris and chased him away.

He would never know the fate of his mate or his children.

Personality:  Andris is protective, now more so than even as a child. He is determined to better himself at fighting to help protect the things and the people he loves. As a child he was quite proud but has mellowed out as he aged and experienced loss, though his ego is still easily bruised. There is a level of melancholy. guilt and sadness overall though he does a great deal to try and hide it under friendly smiles and jokes and laughter.

A strong sense of justice has taken root in him, he knows the world is not black and white but he sees things in a more binary way, people in his mind can be sorted into one of two boxes, all their complexity whittled down to who they are fundamentally. And Andris doesn't consider himself a good wolf.

The trauma of his loss has created a volatile anger in him. It is sudden and uncontrollable, taking no prisoners and uncaring of who it takes out. He becomes a monster, no amount of talking can bring him down, only time or his sudden blood lust being satiated. He does his best to hide it, keep it under control but he knows it's only a matter of time till something causes him to snap and he can only hope no one else will be around.

Future Plans: I'd love for Andris to meet with a Celestial wolf and make the decision to join the pack before he even runs into Solveiga, add to the surprise. I'd also play with the idea of having a few of his pups going out to find him, adding to the family drama (especially if he begins developing feelings for another wolf at any point)
[Image: BNLxEGJ.png]