
Words with the boss



4 Years
Extra large
08-13-2016, 02:03 PM

A familiar weariness marked Bass' words.  It was a weariness she was terribly familiar with and she wondered if he was already beginning to feel that numbing shiver in his legs.  That dreaming disconnect that made it seem like he was standing still while the world continued about it's business as if oblivious to his pain.  She'd felt that way when her family had shattered.  Through violence, through isolation.  What should have kept her siblings close to her had shattered them all apart and instead of banding together after tragedy they'd all simply gone their own ways.  Karabela had a vision for the future.  A vision that she could not achieve where she was now and with each passing moment she felt a growing conviction of what path she was going to set her paws upon.

Bass leaned forward, his nose touching her shoulder and she reached out to return the gesture.  "I'm sorry to hear that Bass.  I do hope things will start to turn around for you though I wonder can you focus on yourself and the pack at the same time?"  It had to be strenuous, especially with such a large family to also keep in mind.  "My mother always believed that hardship would temper us.  Make us stronger against future pain… and that like the seasons, good times would always come again if we could endure life's winters.  This hurt, this uncertainty, this too shall pass."

He asked her how she was.  How was she?  Others had asked that question and she'd always been quick with a smile and a quippy reply but something about that question held new weight.  She looked away, golden eyes fixing on the horizon as she tried to figure out how to put her thoughts into words. "Honestly, Bass?  I've been upset and I've been troubled but… I think I'm finally feeling better.  I've been standing at a crossroads for a long time and these past few months I've taken to wandering again and to dealing with… some of the skeletons in my closet."  She turned to meet his gaze and the butterflies stilled.  She could feel the confidence settling like warm blood in her stomach.  For so long she'd been aimless but as she stood before this world-weary alpha she felt a sudden surge of certainty.  Her goals were lofty, her mettle to rule untested but she'd been forged in her mothers courage and her half-brother's sacrifice and she was going to throw herself forward into the future. "Bass, for so long I've been struggling with the fact that those dear to me have sacrificed their lives for me and I want nothing more than to make that sacrifice worthwhile.  I feel that I am meant for something bigger than where I am now.  Much bigger."  Her gaze grew in intensity but even so she paused.  Words could not be taken back and speaking them out loud, and to her alpha of all wolves, would set a new truth to them.  "Bass, someday it is my intention to rule a pack of my own."

[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king