
Knock Knock Mothertruckers



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-13-2016, 03:56 PM

The alphess watched the smaller woman as she returned her greeting, the name of Peregrine following suit. Amber orbs watched her intently, though not harshly. She was a visitor after all, and were it one of her own pack members then they might have received the brunt of her bad mood with a sharp look with the way things were going. However, when Peregrine spoke of a deal, her interest was piqued; and slowly one ear leaned forward while her gaze betrayed the interest she was feeling. Her gaze followed the other woman's, noticing then a strange looking creature climbing towards them. What on earth was it? She glanced towards Tanaraq with a questioning look only to see the bird shrug, though the white bird definitely had a look of interest as she watched the creature.

"A pleasure to meet you both." She chuckled at Tsiry's response to the brown woman, and looked up again, Tanaraq's beady eyes watching them as she ruffled her feathers. "And that is Tanaraq, my partner in crime." And much like Tsiry, Tan made an indignant chortle, eyes rolling. "So now us non-wolves are criminals? The nerve of you dogs." Avalon gave her a cheesy smile before returning her attention to the other pair. Now, it was back to the matter at hand. She listened quietly, a nod given here and there as her mind processed what was being said. Trading eh? That had never really crossed her mind before, and she didn't even think their were any that did such a thing. But perhaps this would open up a new window of opportunities..."It's worth trying. And if it doesn't work, I'm always open to eating the monkey creature." The alphess' head turned to look at Tan, a frown on her face as she gave a look. "She's joking, of course." She better be.

"It is an interesting idea...tell me, what kind of deal are you looking for? We have many resources at our disposal. What sorts of things are you looking to trade? I am not familiar with this, but I am no fool either. What is it you really seek?" After all, everyone had a motive did they not? She was willing to work with this woman and her band, provided it benefited the pack as well. And if she was really here just for trade, then she'd be open to it. After all, it was indeed a very interesting idea that she might possibly want to try...
"Talk" "You" Think


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