
Knock Knock Mothertruckers



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-13-2016, 05:00 PM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2016, 05:54 PM by Avalon.)


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

"Don't worry. Unless I give the okay, she won't harm anyone without a good reason. As of now, you've nothing to worry about." She winked at the brown female and her companion. They wouldn't be harmed, unless of course they decided to try and pull the wool over her eyes or betray her later if she did choose to work with them. But why they'd risk it would be beyond her. Then again, she didn't know how big their band was either, but if they were looking to trade as they said, would they really risk losing a potentially good trading partner? These were just some of the many thoughts going through her mind. After all, was it not her right to be wary of those she knew nothing about?

She wore a thoughtful look as Peregrine answered her questions. She had a better understanding of it now, and figured perhaps it would be worth trying out. After all, they had plenty of big game...that meant meat...bones...pelts...did wolves use pelts for anything else? She wasn't sure what else. Herbs they had as well, though she didn't know what kind since she wasn't a healer. Perhaps more inquiry about the potential products. "It sounds simple enough. We've plenty of big game year-round. Bison, Ox, Caribou, just to name a few. Smaller game as well such as snow hare, porcupine... though I don't know what you think is valuable." She mentioned just a few things as a chance to pry into what might be of value. More so they could prepare and have it ready. And she was leaning towards this trading thing bit by bit. "I must say, I am quite interested in this idea. And we certainly don't like trespassers." She offered a smile then, about to say something more until Tan cut in. "What is that contraption on your back?" Avalon noticed for the first time, the bag that the girl had. She'd never seen anything like it, and once again her curiosity was further increased.
"Talk" "You" Think