
Knock Knock Mothertruckers



4 Years

08-13-2016, 05:54 PM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2016, 06:00 PM by Peregrine.)
As of now, the woman said. Peregrine gave her a knowing look, understanding the underlying threat as well as she understood that dark cloud meant rain. It was the age-old tradition of pack leaders, after all, and Peregrine did not hold it against her. She had to protect her own, and in her shoes Peregrine did not know if she had it in her to blindly trust a stranger with much of anything, let alone access to her lands. Still, Avalon pressed further, listing off the prey found in her lands from Bison to Porcupine. Peregrine was equally interested in both, wondering if she would be able to find a market for porcupine quills. "The north has always been unique, from what I've seen in my short time in this world. My birth home was in a colder clime, but I know little about it having left so soon." She had led a rogue's life for longer than she could remember, and had more memories as a yearling than as a pup. "But that sounds marvelous. If one can master the skill of peeling pelts away from carcasses some mothers like to line their dens with them for young pups, particularly bison. I might be a dismal hunter but I'm quite good at that. I could always show you, if you gathered a force large eonugh to bring one down? All I'd ask in return is a meal." After all, this was a business arrangement.

So far she had liked this woman, older though she may be. Peregrine could feel a certain sort of wisdom in her aura, but she also knew how easily that could be disguised by pure confidence. She could not make a final ruling just yet. Going on she said, "Of course, everything has value if you find the right wolf. That's where I come in. I know wolves in every corner of the continent. What has no value here might be heavily sought after in the south. Does your land harbor mountains or caves? Some hold jewels and shiny metals that some wolves want just for the sake of decorating their dens. Any medicinal herbs are guaranteed to fetch a decent price and there are plenty of creatures looking for meat to make up a meal. You just have to look at it in the right light!" She had yet to come across a land she deemed as worthless or without gain. All you had to do was look hard enough in the right places and it's worth became apparent. At the bird's question she swiveled, allowing the bag to fall down and into a better position to be viewed. "A gift from my lemur friend, here! She gave it to me in return for her protection, and it helps me carry more items from place to place. They're very useful, if you ever stumble across one. I'd pay a limb, most likely someone else's, if you saved it for me." She gave the bird a tight grin, not necessarily lacking malice but certainly not directing it their way. She wasn't the sort to abuse those who were useful to her, but the satchel she wore would make or break her business, and a better method of transport may or may not be something she'd kill for. Pushing the thought aside, Peregrine decided that she would be happy to teach this woman, especially if it meant finally getting the stone rolling. She was ready to knock of the moss that had gathered through long months of stagnation.