
Onwards and Upwards [Challenge]



4 Years

08-13-2016, 07:18 PM (This post was last modified: 08-13-2016, 07:22 PM by Peregrine.)
EDIT: Gemstore Purchase

To say Peregrine had grown since coming to this land was quite the understatement. What once was a lackadaisical femme was now roiling with ambition, dreams even. She had learned the value of her skills and been emboldened by those she had chosen to travel with. She had learned much, met with several of the land's packs and had come to a startling decision.

She wanted more. Much more.

Half a year ago a move like this would not have suited her, but she thought fondly of Karabela, who maintained her freedom despite the chains of her pack. Perhaps they were not chains at all. She thought of Ren who felt so much frustration under his own leadership and dreamed of something better. She thought of Ricochet, young and full of potential. There was so much more she could do that she could not accomplish as one wolf with a rag tag group of allies. She needed more. Peregrine knew it wasn't much to go on and she was leaving a lot to fate, but she had to trust her gut that Ren had the right of it.

After all, Avalon seemed strong and wise, the big red beast as much larger than she, and of course she knew nothing of the other packs who called this land home. What option was left to her? She tipped her head back and let out a howl to rock the ages, convinced that a new age was upon them all. She called for the leader of Myriad first and foremost, and for his followers and for her own friends who she hoped would come to aid her. She called for any who were filled with wanderlust and the same dreams she herself felt. For allies in other packs and rogues she had never met before. Let them all come and bear witness to the turning of an age.

"Talk" "You" Think

OOC: I just wanted to say that this is nothing personal. I refuse to do anything without IC reasoning, and Myriad is the only pack Peregrine has been told is weak, whether it's true or not. Riv, I wish you all the best and I hope there are no hard feelings!!! <3