
no time to bleed



7 Years
Extra large
08-13-2016, 08:50 PM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2016, 08:15 PM by Diarmuid.)

If either of the women seemed less than pleased to meet him, he was blissfully unaware of it. His features were a solid picture of calmness, tinged with determination - and a barely noticeable tinge of irritation which fell from his face almost as quickly as he spoke to the strangers. The older of the two spoke quickly, and succinctly, giving him little to go off of. Dual-colored eyes, orange and red, watched her for a moment before turning to the younger woman, who seemed a bit more wordy.

Karabela's demeanor seemed a bit more genuinely friendly, and he'd nod and grunt a soft greeting to her. Though personally unaffected by her sense of humor that she'd displayed, he was grateful at least one of them seemed to be friendly. "My name is Diarmuid," the brute replied with ease. Though he kept to himself, his name was no secret, and he would offer it proudly. Especially if it meant bringing him one step closer to the Xanilov children. "My scars are of no concern to you." His voice was matter-of-fact and without aggression, though it was likely the tone said more than his answer might've. It would do him no good to upset these two when they could very well have valuable information to him. "Pardon me for interrupting your.. meeting. Have either of you come across any wolves recently with the surname Xanilov?" Perhaps they would be willing to share, and if not.. he could come up with some way to pull the information from them, he decided.

"Talk" "You" Think
Name is pronounced deer-mid