
Onwards and Upwards [Challenge]

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

08-13-2016, 09:18 PM

Wait for it

He was on his feet in seconds. Rivaxorus knew that this was bound to happen. He knew it was not out of spite this time at least. He threw the thought of his family behind. Absentmindedly he hoped that Zephyra would show. Somehow his heart was torn on subjects he didn't even know would exist. As the large male strode onto the battlefield, he would not allow the enemy to see any sign of weakness. His mind held neutral and he simply cleared it as he would before every battle. This time it was for real though, he'd be throwing all shot into the table. The male's eyes for one split second would settle on Ren just to hear what he said. Half of him couldn't believe the tyranny of this man, but he didn't comment nor express anything. As he then stood in front of this peregrine. He sized her up of course.

"Hello miss, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Rivaxorus." Riv wouldn't let a neutral tone leave his maw. Standing strong - he had members to protect and rely on him. This was his chance to show them what he was made of. He would win - there wasn't anything else to it. "Challenger gets first move - I wish you luck." Of course in the back of his mind he cursed - he hoped and prayed to his gods that he'd have the strength to fight her off. The male would place five feet between them. Setting his defenses down to the core. His knees bent slightly, toes splaying and digging further into the terrain for traction. To start his tail would level with his spine. Eyes narrowed to protect them, he pulled back his muzzle - showing off his teeth as well as scrunching up the skin over his face to make it harder to get a grip. His head tucked slightly to protect his throat. Ears pinning to the back of his skull. His hackles raised and he rolled his shoulders inward scrunching his scruff to protect his neck from getting a hold. Then he waited, and he would dominate.

ooc: we agree'd on 3 rounds.

Riv vs Peregrine for myriad.

"Talk" "You" Think