
A frozen Waste


02-17-2013, 09:17 PM
Suddenly all of the thoughts of the past in his mind ceased as he looked at Ookami. This was the new beginning or the beginning of a new beginning. At this moment he knew he would have to let them go even though tth ehtoughts would still plague his mind.

Let us go..., a ghastly voice said

Thane closed his aqua blue eyes for a moment and listened to the inside voices of his mind that had haunted him for ever so long.

It was time to let her go and them go. Images of all of his deceased packmates flashed before his eyes as they were followed up by Amber then his oparents then ended on his sister Hureia. He had a new wolf to live for and she was right here. This was a living breathing wolf and he knew it. No more death and slaughter upon those he loved. ALl he wanted was peace and harmony in a divided world.

Thane smiled at Ookami as she said that they were in this until the very end.

"Thats good, because you would have trouble getting rid of me." he said with a small chuckle

Second chances do exist and these two would make the most of it.