
Onwards and Upwards [Challenge]



4 Years

08-13-2016, 09:57 PM

A woman appeared before any other, a large cat in tow. Peregrine could not say this was what she expected. She took a deep breath in through her nose, nostrils flaring, and found the same scent upon her fur that had sat upon Ren's, even after his long swim. A pack scent, certainly, to be so ingrained with her being. Next a more familiar sight and one that caused Peregrine to beam. Magpie had arrived! She was thrilled to see her friend manning her defenses, albeit somewhat surprised to see her so soon. Perhaps Peregrine wasn't the only one who liked to trail around after others, eh? She answered the first woman's question, as best as she could. What did she hope to gain? Truthfully she couldn't say. "I believe life is full of opportunity for those willing to seize it," she said simply. That was a truth of it. She went where her gut pulled her, that was all.

To Roekia she opened her mouth, about to reply when another arrived, and then another. There was another unfamiliar wolf who bore the scent of Myriad and then Ren himself. For the latter she spared a wide smile, mostly in response to his hearty laughter. He wished her luck and she offered her unlikely ally a bow of her head. She might have said more but another male was evident on the horizon. He walked with such a bold swagger, she took a moment to decide if Ren had mislead her in his own arrogance or if it was all a facade. She supposed time would tell.

He greeted her with the aplomb of someone who had not had to risk their lives for much. If their positions had been swapped she would have arrived on the scene cursing up a storm to frighten the gods, frothing, teeth gnashing. Perhaps she simply lacked restraint. Regardless, she could play the same game as he. With a smile too sweet to be anything but false she quipped, “A pleasure, I'm sure. It is nice to meet you Rivaxorous. I've heard much about you, and I'm ready whenever you are.” She was not about to waste even a moment of precious time. He wished her luck, which she was grateful for because she was certain to need it. She would not afford him the same boon. She did not wish him luck because she did not want him to win. He had come too close for her comfort but her pride did not allow her to back away. He sank into a stance of his own, and she took a deep breath.

He was larger than her, much larger at that. Yet what good did that size do him if he used it as poorly as Ren described. She fell into a position nearly foreign to her, but one she supposed she would have to get used to. First and foremost her hackles would rise, making her appear larger than she might otherwise. The skin of her ruff loosened and she rolled her shoulders, allowing it to fall forward and providing her throat as much protection as possible. She tucked her chin to further that gain. Her lips pulled back to reveal he snapping maw and her jaw hung loose, prepared to latch onto anything he would offer. Her eyes narrowed and her ears flattened against her broad skull. Each paw was planted evenly apart from one another to square her frame and steady her balance, each claw dug into the earth below her for a secure grip. She bent at the joints to lower her center of gravity while tightening the muscles of her core so that she was ready to leap any which way was required of her. Her tail extended and aligned with her spine, which had aligned with her enemy. She would face him straight on.

The first move, it would seem, was hers. Again, he was far too close for her comfort, give or take a tail length. Five feet at most. She crouched, gathering her energy in her hind legs and aiming directly ahead before rocketing forward. She reared upwards only a breath before they might have collided, twelve inches remaining between her front paws and his, attempting to wrap her forepaws around his neck. She attempted to hold on tight with her forelimbs so that wherever he might move she had the opportunity to be dragged along for the ride. Her jaws snapped forwards, attempting to latch onto the left side of his skull, with her top jaw seeking out his left brow and left eye, while her lower jaw hoped to clamp down on the left side of his own lower jaw. If she were able to complete her bite and clamp her jaws shut, she hoped to tear through the skin there and possibly even blind him with his own blood. It would be a good start, no? She continued to push forward with her hind legs, claws dug firmly into the ground and attempting to keep her momentum moving forward to push him back even a step.

ROUND 1 of 3

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