
Come and Get it! [Pack Hunt]



6 Years

08-13-2016, 11:39 PM (This post was last modified: 08-26-2016, 01:44 AM by Esarosa.)

As she waited hopefully for anyone in Ivalice to come, she turned her head as the first to arrive was an older son of Avalon's. Dragon's brother. She dipped her head as Lykos introduced himself as the heir of Ivalice. He seemed a little tentative around her, which she didn't blame him for. He didn't recognize her. "Nice to meet you Lykos, I'm Esarosa," she replied in kind, "I'm a hunter, hoping to make a good impression today." She chuckled slightly, hoping she hadn't come across as any sort of arrogant. She was confident in her hunting abilities, but wasn't one to boast.

She smiled when Steel arrived and came to her side. "We're going after mountain goats today," she informed him. She figured if few wolves came, they'd pick off a clumsy youngster, but if there were enough of them, they might be able to take down a bigger goat. Not long after Steel's arrival would come a strangely painted male with a blank expression who sat down quietly. Then a very large femme would come, smiling at her, so Esarosa smiled back, although silence remained between them. Finally, Avalon would arrive, and she smiled to the Alphaess. It was a perfect opportunity to show off her skills in front of the leader, and the heir, and if all went well they would eat well today!

"Since there are six of us here, I think we can take down a large adult goat," she chirped, ebony tail swishing. Her eyes scanned around the wolves gathered. "For anyone who doesn't know me, my name's Esarosa," she introduced herself, looking to the blonde male with interesting markings, and then the dire fae with very unique coloring, "If I could get your names before we begin?" She went quiet, giving a moment for either wolf to introduce themselves quickly. "Let's move, so we can get them in our sights," she said, flicking her tail as she set her paws onto the rocky incline, beginning the steep ascent - on the other side of the rise, there would be a gentler slope with some greenery below where the goats would be grazing.

From here, it was easy to see their prey. There was little to do in the way of strategy, as there was no cover to aid in an ambush. "We'll simply have to rush in," she stated to her group of hunters, "There are several males in the herd, one of which is very protective-" She nodded her head in the direction of a big-horned male. "-If we startle the others into running, he will come to stall us - there are enough of us to surround and overwhelm him. If he doesn't come, we'll switch targets to a younger, clumsier goat." She glanced around to the wolves with her. Would they be ready to make a run for it, and be flexible should they need to adjust their game plan?

OOC: Okay, decided to go with no particular posting order, so let's get those posts in, and get this hunt completed! Due August 30th!

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]