
Onwards and Upwards [Challenge]


08-13-2016, 11:57 PM
It wasn't immediately recognizable what was going on, but when she spotted her brother heading out, she grew curious and followed a good length behind. Not because she was trying to be sneaky, but he was so much bigger and she was so tiny, that every one step he took felt like five steps for her. The little blue girl scampered after him to a place she'd never been too, stopping several lengths behind as he went on to greet the woman who she assumed had made the call. They knew each other? She watched the goings on, and hadn't even noticed much until Rivaxorous showed up. So, this was a challenge for the pack? Did her brother have something to do with it? He was awfully friendly with that strange lady...she sat down, unsure how to feel about it all.

It didn't take long for a fight to start, the little pixie girl Watching the scene unfold. Zephy wasn't here yet, but a whole bunch of other strangers were. Would Rivaxorous win? Or would her brother's friend win? Truth be told, she didn't know how to feel about it. She didn't like Rivaxorous for being a meanie to her family and stealing her sister, but then if he lost, she wouldn't have a home anymore right? But if Ren's friend was stronger, then maybe that was better? She didn't know. "Eat his toes!" She startled herself then. Wait what? No! She wanted to be the one to chew off his toes for being so mean! She quickly glanced around to make sure nobody had heard her, and if they did...oh well. She had already said it.