
Onwards and Upwards [Challenge]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
08-14-2016, 12:15 AM

It hasn't been too long since her meeting with the trader. And all they'd talked about had fueled Avalon's desire to explore the lands more to see what oddities might be used for the purposes of trading. As she was nearing the heart of the lands, a call familiar yet foreign reached her. Someone was challenging her nephew for Myriad? Was this just on a whim? Or had he fallen in someone's bad graces? The Chief altered her course to the battlefield, and she came to find a group of foreigners gathered. She stopped among them, amber gaze surprised to find that Peregrine was the one challenging for the pack. While she knew the woman to have ambition judging by their meeting, she didn't think she'd seek to rule a pack so soon. Then again, she didn't know the woman well enough to have known her intentions, let alone judge her that way.

Her gaze found Rivaxorus then, the boy standing an uncomfortably close distance to the challenger. And then the fight would start with Peregrine moving first. And truthfully, if it were here, she would have done the same if someone was standing in her bubble too. Yes, her nephew had been an alpha for near the same amount of time as she, but she felt he was still naive and had alot to learn. Just as she did on some things. Ears swiveled as someone shouted something about eating toes, and to her surprise, it was a tiny woman from Myriad. "It seems he doesn't have the respect of his pack..." That was a problem, wasn't it? While she had work to do among her own, at least they weren't wishing ill will against her.



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