
Onwards and Upwards [Challenge]



7 Years

08-14-2016, 12:58 AM
Meandering behind his master with a slow roll of his hips and shoulders, his black-tipped tail swishing, Ehrgeiz was actually looking forward to their activity of the day. Someone had called for a pack challenge; it would be nice to see a little drama, maybe a little bloodshed, depending on who was fighting. By the time the two arrived, it seemed the fight had already begun, but it didn't look like they'd missed much. There was no scent of blood just yet, so they must have been just testing each other out to begin with.

Following Sabine as she chose a spot to view the fight - well, he supposed she wouldn't be viewing it, would she? - and very ungracefully he flopped down at her paws as he settled to watch the fight. Taking just a moment to let his singular blue eye scan around the many faces gathered. Not surprisingly, he didn't recognize anyone. It wasn't like he'd made any friends before he'd been reduced to Sabine's play thing. So, he set his gaze back onto the fight.

Ivory ears tilted back as his master pitifully called out that someone ought to describe the fight to her. He cringed, knowing it must be a kick to her pride to ask such a thing, and he almost felt bad for her for a moment. Almost. Except he knew what a capable bitch she was without her eyesight. He grunted as he contemplated describing it for her, then sighed. "Sabine, it's some little woman trying to take a bite outta the face of some big guy," he muttered up at the blind woman from his place on the ground, "She's probably gonna get her ass kicked, that guy's way bigger than her. Is she stupid?" Although he knew size wasn't everything in a fight, there was a pretty big size difference, and he couldn't see this going well for the little lady. Oh well. She deserved to get a beating if she'd taken on a challenger like this.