
Onwards and Upwards [Challenge]

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

08-14-2016, 01:09 AM

Wait for it

Nothing had been proven, and words were cheap. As adrenaline pumped through the man’s body - he truly blacked out the noise around him. No one existed, it was just this woman trying to take something precious from him. He was tired of being under minded - he was tired of no one really seeing what he could do. A growl ripped through his throat, and he taunted himself wanting her to hit him head on. He would try to break bone, hit wherever he could. There was no peace in his own war.

The male’s paws spread out onto the terrain for more traction, his knees bent at the joints to make him more rigid. With his head slightly tucked to his neck to protect his throat, his muzzle was pulled back in order to make it harder to grab hold of his face with the muscles tight. Tail leveling with his spine with his center of gravity and his ears pinned to the back of his head. Hackles raised in irritation and his shoulders rolled inward to again make himself more compact. His scruff rolled forward to make folds and rolls harder to grab hold of. His eyes narrowed to slits to protect his eyesight and the close proximity made it so she quickly was already shooting towards him.

When she reached up on her hind legs, the male would match her ten fold. Energy in his back legs springing him forward actually hoping to duck near her chest in his crouched motion - maybe even collide with her chest even if it would cause his own head some pain. Her paws would grapple a hold just beyond his shoulders, his head stuck slightly underneath her(approximately his eyes meeting up with her neck) as he was forced to stick close to the ground, his defenses would keep him rigid - she wouldn’t move him. His stomach muscles tightened to keep his balance underneath her. As he felt her jaws catch along the edge of his left ear near the back of his skull. A half inch wound puncturing through skin just at the tip and at the edge of his jaw line in a moderate fashion.

The male would seek the opportunity, his jaws opened and his head tilted to his own right about 10 degree’s. Attempting to latch his jaws harshly onto the left side of her throat, his lower jaw aiming towards the middle and the upper jaw on the upper side of her neck below her jawline. In that hope he wanted to deprive her of oxygen, hopefully make her pass out. His back legs would spread more to keep balance, tail lowering as he tried to thrust forward on them to send her back or topple her over. Essentially making an attempt to throw his weight and muscle around. His stomach muscles tightened to keep him compact and if she so tried she wouldn’t be able to scratch it open much. Keeping all four paws on the ground, his toes spread and his hackles still raised. As long as his scruff was rolled she wouldn’t be able to grab a hold of his head.
Riv vs Peregrine for myriad.

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