
Without a shadow of doubt

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

08-14-2016, 02:55 AM

A patrol, it sounded simple enough. As he would nod his head, the male would gladly follow Xephyris. Rivaxorus felt his eyes automatically close when the other spoke. Exactly, he didn't like what he saw either. Yet he did have a predicament, his wife was already set on protecting her siblings. It looked like she would choose them over himself. Even with his effort, all of his efforts to make her of all wolves comfortable. It made him feel like more of his mother, and he had tried to hard to carve her name out of his bones. He guessed that his family was just attracted to trouble.

His eyes opened again though when Xephyris suggested that he watch them. His head shot up, and his expression changed. So badly he wanted to outright say yes, he already wanted to cause Ren physical harm. Yet thinking about what Zephyra might do to him, his emotions seemed to have won over on that. "I'd love to agree with you Xeph - but I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place as it is. If Zephyra found out.... she'd skin me alive and I'm afraid I'd gladly let her." he outright trusted this man - so he wouldn't lie. Rivaxorus would give a settled sigh.

"Leave it be for now, but if it comes down to it the pack is more important - we can't have members dragging us down and Ren has already proven he's more or less a risk of taking Myriad down. I will have to make Zephyra choose - and if she chooses her brother I have a feeling she will be very disappointed." Rivaxorus looked to Xephyris. "I want to thank you Xeph... among all wolves I look up to your and Armai's advice. I'm young and many of this is new to me. If myriad were to fall - would you still stick around?" it was a simple question really. Rivaxorus was just curious, and if it did fall Riv was all that more determined to create it from the ashes. This home he created, he wanted it to stay. That had been his dream from the beginning, before even his wife. And maybe, if she really wanted - they weren't meant to be, but that was her decision.

"Talk" "You" Think