
Ohana, Augustus, Ohana


06-17-2013, 12:57 PM
The boy's tail wagged as he looked at her with his white gaze. A blank yet sort of happy expression is what he held. Augustus wondered why his Aunt hadn't told him about his father yet. It seemed like she had completely avoided the subject. Something wasn't right here...but he would find out soon enough right?

She then said he had another Uncle, Pontifex. With a look of uncertainty Augustus remembered the horror stories his mother had told him about Pontifex. He remembered how she said he had sat there with his father and watched his grandpa slit her throat. And how Pontifex's mind was a bit disturbed. But maybe his Uncle had changed...maybe everyone changed.

For some reason the young brute had a dull feeling in his hear despite the good news. It was as if a wave of sadness had overcome him. A slight breeze is what he felt against his cheek which made the snow falling from the sky blow this way and that. His white gaze looked at it until it disappeared and blended in with the rest of the snow.

With sudden sadness in his eyes the male looked up at his Aunt Loccian as she apologized for brushing off the question. She then said she just wanted to protect him. But what was it that made her want to protect him...protect him from what? The world? Maybe Loccian could possibly do that for him for now. But what until he grows fully and has his own life? Makes his own general life changing decisions? He wouldn't have Aunt Loccian there to guide him then...

But then again the boy had managed to get through the early times of childhood without a father and then eventually without a mother. Enough! HE was done with being alone. He wanted to be loved again, cared someone. Loccian then told him not to run away and to promise her he wouldn't after she told him the news she was about to tell him. Then she said that his father loved his mother, and that he never meant for anything bad to happen.

Augustus sat up straight with his shoulders back and black ears perked up. He looked dashing and strong in this posture...but how long could he hold it?

"I promise" he said

For some reason Augustus thought in the back of his head that he knew the answer. It was kind of obvious....his father was dead...

But the boy held his posture bracing himself for the news like the good boy he was; strong, just like his father. The tears he would hold in and the sadness would he hold at bay. Yet it soldiers on a battlefield ready to charge...waiting for the command...