
The world's a gun



9 Years
08-14-2016, 04:02 AM

Xephyris snarled in frustration, as before he could gain any control over his enemy, the situation changed and his intentions were intervened. Enigma would thrust his left shoulder forward, but struck Xeph in the middle of his forechest and leaving a moderate bruise, rather than dislocating his left shoulder. Enigma missed his mark since Xephyris was moving in tandem with the brute, and Xeph himself was shifting forward his right shoulder in order to strike Enigma, changing the angle at just the right moment to slightly displace his enemy's shoulder attack. Seconds after, Xeph felt his right shoulder strike his enemy in the forechest as well.

As their positioning had remained head-on due to Enigma's movements, Xephyirs found his forepaws missing his intended choke hold, ending up with his paws merely on Enigma's shoulders, his left forepaw on Enigma's right shoulder, his right forepaw on Enigma's left shoulder.. As Xeph's jaws whipped to his left toward his enemy's face, Enigma countered, smashing him in the face with a headbutt that clapped Xeph's jaws shut, forcing Xeph's head sharply to his right. Knowing his own position was now useless, Xephyris went with the force of his enemy's forward surge, rather than trying to resist it. His weight and balance still shifted on his hind legs, Xephyris pulled his forepaws away from Enigma and closer to his body, as he quickly shifted his weight sharply and quickly to his right, hind paws stepping to his right to keep his balance. He refused to lose his footing, something he had learned long ago against Enigma's father. His forepaws touched the ground now, just as Enigma's jaws snapped onto the left side of his neck - it wasn't on his windpipe, but under his jawline, several inches below the base of his left ear, leaving moderate punctures.

Ripping away from Enigma's jaws, Xephyris quickly reset his defenses as he readied himself to make another move, fury raging through his blood - he needed to get more serious and make this bastard pay. His paws shifted apart until his stance was even and well-balanced, the joints of his knees and elbows bending for flexibility and to lower his center of gravity. Toes splayed and claws dug into the ground for all the traction he needed, while his shoulders rolled forward and the thick skin around his neck bunched up to protect his vital points. His chin tucked to protect his throat, head lowering to align with his spine, his tail aligning as well, spread out behind him for balance. Ears remained folded back, eyes narrowed and the skin bunched up around his eyes and face for protection, while his hackles remained stiff and raised.

The muscles in all of his legs bunched in readiness, before he tried to spring toward Enigma, having to turn to his left slightly since he had moved to the right to avoid serious damage from his enemy. Crouching, attempting to come in low, which would be advantageous for him as his enemy was a fair bit taller than he was, Xephyris tried to aim the point of his left shoulder for the inner part of Enigma's left elbow, hoping to throw the joint out at an awkward angle away from his enemy's body and dislocate it. Then he would turn his head slightly to his right and parting his jaws wide as he tilted them downward and slightly to the left, aiming for an iron grip over Enigma's left foreleg. He hoped to snag his lower fangs into the muscle and tissue on the underside of the foreleg, while his upper fangs aimed to sink into the muscle and tissue on the upper part of the foreleg - his intention was to clamp down hard and deep, to sever tendons, leaving the limb weak and useless. Finally, his own right forepaw would lift and aim toward Enigma's left forepaw, hoping to smash it down on the inner two toes in an attempt to break the toes in order to further disable his opponent.

Enigma vs. Xephyris || Maim: Facial Scarring || Round 2/3

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]