
Onwards and Upwards [Challenge]



4 Years
Extra large
08-14-2016, 07:39 AM

Karabela was focused and intent as she maneuvered through the treacherous mountains of Fenrir's Maw down toward the base of the mountain. It was rough work but if she was going to start up a pack in these mountain ranges then she needed to know as much about them as she possibly could. It would be dangerous living but it would be hard for a pack to rest on its laurels with the very territory screaming for alertness. At the base of the mountains to the west was the battlefield and when Karabela heard the call for a challenge she could scarcely believe that the call was from her friend and travel companion, Peregrine.

Taking a deep breath Karabela picked up the pace. Her form was large and tall but lithe and agile and she quickly finished her descent before racing toward the battlefield, panting as she went. She arrived among a good-sized gathering just as the male Pere was challenging arrived. The words exchanged so far had been quite civil and Karabela moved to sit next to the speckled woman with the magpie that was clearly a friend of Peregrine's as she wondered if the man realized what was at stake. Honestly, if it had been her she'd be threatening to gut this woman but perhaps the reality of challenges had simply never been pulled to the forefront of her thoughts until now. Raba frowned. There hadn't been a challenge in Boreas for some time and it occurred to her that if she started her own pack she would be at risk from challenges as well. Her toes flexed as her face settled into an expression of cool determination. If that ever happened to her, win or lose, she'd be sure to give the other wolf hell.

The battle began with explosive violence and Karabela felt a swell of pride as she watched her friend charge forth. She didn't mark Peregrine as the warrior type but dam was the smaller woman ferocious. "C'mon Peregrine…" she whispered.


[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king