
Onwards and Upwards [Challenge]

Oleander I


4 Years
08-14-2016, 12:03 PM

He was not used to the customs of this place, but he knew a challenging call when he heard one.

When the quiet male had heard the call, he lifted his head from his plants, dirt covering his muzzle and legs where he had been tending to the garden. He knew that voice, but it took him a few moments to tie it to the woman he had met on the cliff. Humming softly, his ears flickered as he tried to orginize his thoughts on this. Miss Peregrine was challenging someone, but who and to what he was not sure. Finally his curiosity got the best of him, and he started to head in the direction of her voice. He said nothing to Cedar, but it didn't take too long for his companion to realize that he was leaving the area. The ever dutiful jackal walked at his brothers side, not asking where they were going. No matter what, Ollie knew that the canine would follow him. He had been his only constant in his entire life. Glancing over to Cedar, he dipped his head slightly and nodded, thanking him wordlessly for his accompaniment. He could have easily stayed, but it was nearly impossible to get him to leave his flank.

It didn't take too long for them to enter the land that he had heard the howl, nor was it hard to spot the chocolate woman. She was fighting with another, larger male. Blinking slowly, his teal eyes scanned the crowd in search for answers. He couldn't tell, but there was a unified scent lingering across the group of wolves. A pack? Was Peregrine challenging to lead a pack? This was getting more and more interesting. Stepping lightly on the tattered earth, Oleander made his way to the still growing group of wolves. The two canines squeezed past a few bodies, finding a good seat with enough space around him to breath. Ears pinned to his head, he watched the battle with wide eyes. He wasn't fond of the amount of wolves that stood around him, but he wanted to see how this all turned out. He wouldn't call him and Peregrine close, but he did know her, and this whole fight interested him. Plus, it didn't seem like he wasn't welcome at the moment.

Cedar grew nervous at his brothers side, the tension around them was thick. His hackles stood on end, and it didn't take long for him to get really uncomfortable. Unable to sit still, he left Ollie's side and started to pace behind him, low growls leaving his maw. Oleander shot him a look, but he couldn't stop. The atmosphere here was just too much, and he worried that more than just one fight would break out.


Oleander speaks Latin, but is fluent in English. Cedar is a black backed jackal and is always with Ollie unless otherwise stated.