
You Make my Heart Flutter like a Tilt-a-Whirl



6 Years

08-14-2016, 09:56 PM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2016, 10:01 PM by Steel.)
Before I was found I felt like I could drain the ocean
Before I was found I didn't wanna breathe out

Steel was still largely unused to feeling such ecstasy around anyone; he'd always craved his solitude, and often he considered the company of others to be a bother. But Esarosa had changed all of that. He wanted to spend as much time with her as he possible could. She was silly and free, though serious when the moment called for it, and her attitude brightened his own considerably. He'd decided long ago that she was perfect, in any way, and it still baffled him that she chose him of all wolves to spend her life with.

He found himself grinning as she faced him, her words making his stomach twist in a tight knot. He grunted with audible approval as she nipped at his neck, his grin widening. It was obvious that she intended to tease him, and she was doing a fine job at it - he watched appreciatively as she turned and leaped away from him toward the lake. It wasn't difficult for her to excite him, especially not lately, and he would trail after her with no hesitation. She could do enough teasing for the both of them; he had no interest in returning it, not today.

Steel would join her in drinking from the cool lake, standing belly-deep in the water now, though it seemed she was not just interested in drinking. She wanted to swim, too. He thought of their adventure in the pond, with the frogs, and found himself laughing softly. He never found her without some sort of odd idea, and though he often only joined begrudgingly, he did find himself joining her in the end.  "You're crazy," he laughed, clearly teasing her - if anything, she was likely the more normal of the two. But without hesitation, he'd wade deeper into the water with her. The initial chill wore off quickly, and he found himself wading towards her. Feeling playful, thanks to her own carefree antics, he'd lift a paw quickly from the water and slap it back down, aiming a spray of water in her direction.

Now my soul beats a sound loud enough to quiet the thunder
A love with no doubt and now I'm never gonna slow down