
Without a shadow of doubt



9 Years
08-14-2016, 10:33 PM

Xephyris flicked his ears as he listened to Riv speak again, this time mentioning that he would try to sort things out with Zephyra. The silver-eyed male nodded his head. "Of course," he said in a low tone, understanding that Riv would need to talk to his wife before anyone else did. But Xeph didn't like the idea of the woman giving Riv a hard time, despite how difficult and complicated things had been. It wasn't the Alpha's fault that her siblings were troublesome, and most of all, Ren had become a deadbeat within the pack. When the tall, brown-coated male made mention of the mental illnesses that ran rampant in both his and Zephyra's families, Xephyris cocked his head slightly. He hadn't really noticed that Arian had had mental troubles, but perhaps that would explain some of her erratic behaviours and decision-making toward the end of her Alpha career.

Would it be possible that Riv would suffer from the same type of troubles? Xephyris hoped not, but perhaps if he knew more about it before anything possibly happened, he might be able to help the young man work through some of it. Or, at least try to be a stable shoulder to lean on if he ever felt uncertain - for the mostpart, Xeph was pretty level-headed, and he didn't have a lot of doubts. He never second-guessed himself. "Now that I think of it, Riv, your mother did do some things that I found odd at the time," he mentioned, nodding his head, "I never knew she suffered from troubles of the mind, though it makes sense now. I don't see the same in you, though." But perhaps time would tell - some things came with time, or stress. He wondered why Riv would think something was wrong with him. "Riv, why do you think something's wrong with you?" he asked, offering an ear to listen, and wanting to know about the potential issues the young man might be facing.

"Talk" "You" Think
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