
i'm such a fool for sacrifice



5 Years
08-15-2016, 09:29 AM (This post was last modified: 08-22-2016, 10:28 AM by Starling.)

The sharp tone of Lark's voice when his name was spoken made him cringe quietly, and the words after that made him bow his head. He knew the truth, but it still somehow hurt to have it admitted aloud. He regretted so much, but he couldn't do anything about it now, could he? Just move on, prove himself, and hopefully regain the trust of his family. He knew... he knew they still loved him. That dark part of his mind battled him for that knowledge; it tried to demand how could they possibly love him still after what he'd done, but he fought it stubbornly, a bitter anger towards that side of him that was not wholly gone.

He expected to battle it for a long time. But he would do it, starting here and now. The smooth sound of Italian made his head rise again, and Lark's words actually made him shake his head and chuckle. "Poi che era un sacco di cose stupide!" he laughed.. "No, sono stato stupido. Azioni e me stesso. Ma ho imparato da questi errori, e io non sono più stupidi," he gently corrected, feeling much more relaxed as the soothing tongue of Italian met his ears, and te affirmation that his brother still dearly cared for him.  

He approached Lark as the other man sat down, and he reached out to bump his nose against Lark's shoulder in an affectionate and familial greeting. "Grazie per ancora amarmi, e la cura, caro fratello. E per bussare senso nella mia testa!" The last part was said with a gentle chuckle, though that chuckle faded quickly as he caught a whiff of something that he... was not expecting. Confusion knitting his brows together, he stepped back away from Lark and stared at him, his head tilted. "È ... puzzi come Lillie?" He wasn't sure which was stronger: his horror or his shock. Why did his brother smell like her. What? Oh god, what if - he tried desperately t shut that line of thought out of his head, but it failed miserably. What if someone in the pack was about to give birth? What if it was Lillie? The thought of his brother doing anything like that with anyone was enough for him to shake his head of that thought; the only thing more horrifying was thinking of his dad doing that. Ugh. Let's not go there, either. Nope nope. Instead he just stared at Lark with that same baffled expression, and wide, disbelieving eyes.

"Talk" | "Italian"