
plots & whatnot <3



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ContributorPride - PansexualEaster 2022Rapid Poster - SilverToys for Tots
08-15-2016, 11:02 AM (This post was last modified: 01-12-2017, 12:20 PM by Nyx.)
8 years old | rogue | single | polyamorous // free-spirited | adventurous | spiritual

Free-spirited is the easiest way to define this complex man. He loves freely and without abandon, though he loves himself above all else. He is deeply spiritual (see his profile for more information), and he is also openly polyamorous. He is an explorer and open to pretty much any sort of experiences with anyone! He did just have a kid (somehow he convinced Renhett to help him) so he'll be guarding him and teaching him about life for ahwile!
Looking for: Lovers (he is equally attracted to men and women, though has a thing for powerful wolves, in any meaning of the word), Friends/exploration buddies, hunting partners, young wolves to mentor

Not looking for: Packs, monogamous relationships

Plot idea: Sorta looking for someone whose heart he could unwittingly break due to his lack of monogamy, or even someone to challenge his idea of free love (or, at the very least, be a long-term partner)

6 years old | Fiori | taken // healer | curious | quiet | compassionate

Ara is a slightly withdrawn, compassionate woman who has been deeply interested in healing since she was a child.  She has a heart of gold, and though she is drawn toward helping others, she tends to be distrusting and keeps to herself most of the time.. except if you mention any interest in herbs or healing!

Looking for: Healing partners (either those who just want to join her, or those who seek more knowledge), friends, more wolves in Fiori to get to know

Not looking for: Rivals

Plot ideas: Her wife has more or less gone missing, and she's getting lonely - I wouldn't mind working out a plot where she finds herself attracted to another woman, and is ravaged with guilt over it

1 year old | rogue | single // peculiar | bold | mischievous

Asvor is young, and has yet to fully figure out who she is. She is proud of her Finnvi blood and, like most of her family, is deeply faithful to her upbringing and religion. She tends to be volatile at times, especially when she doesn't get her way, and is beginning to have a bit of a fascination with the darker side of things. I really want to explore more of her figuring out who she is!

Looking for: Friends, enemies, healing (and poison!) mentors, younger wolves to spar with, someone to crush on maybe?

Not looking for: -

Plot ideas: Anyone willing to introduce her to the slightly darker side of the world - poisons, fighting, etc, also more exposure to her religion if at all possible, even if just teaching what she knows to another. I can also see her being very possessive and wouldn't mind her 'claiming' a wolf her age as her own simply to feel in control, and maybe even developing feelings for them

5 years old | rogue | single // calculated | loyal | serious | militaristic

Diarmuid is a loyal follower of the Xanilov family. Once a guard to Raisa, he was instructed to follow and protect Valeriya (completely unbeknownst to her, of course). He grew to care for her quite deeply, and has since been given instructions to ensure her childrens' safety. He is a trained warrior, and puts his utmost effort into any task given to him.

Looking for: Xanilovs!!! And anyone that knows anything about them

Not looking for: Romance

Plot ideas:  Wouldn't mind someone trying to pry open his shell and trying to get to know him, though it would be quite a struggle, and it would be impossible for his loyalty to ever stray from the Xanilovs; maybe someone to question his willing servitude could be interesting too, if they want an enemy!

pup | single | Ivalice // dreamer | silly | naive

She's just a little kid, figuring out the world! She's a bit of an airhead, with her head in the clouds, but she's sweet and friendly!

Looking for: Friends, adventures, trouble!

Not looking for: Anything romantic (she's a pup!)

Plot ideas: N/a

pup | single | rogue // independent | chaotic | outspoken

Kai was just born, so he isn't fully sure where he stands in the world yet. He will be taught to be free, and to be bold. He will eventually grow more chaotic than his father, though not maliciously so.

Looking for: Friends, anything!

Not looking for: n/a

Plot ideas: n/a

4 years old | Abaven | single // blunt | abrasive | loyal

Lark is a loyal member of his family, though he has grown more distant as of late. Though proud of who he is, he tends to be a bit lazy at times - though he truly wants to do good by his family. He can be rather defensive and rough-tongued, and often says things more bluntly than he ought to. He really wants to make his father proud and work on fighting and helping Abaven more.

Looking for: Friends, enemies, romance? (he's a bit peeved that Lillianna seemingly disappeared)

Not looking for: -

Plot ideas:

4 years old | Ivalice | taken // cold | withdrawn  cynical | determined

Steel, growing up, didn't have the easiest time in the world - he'd developed into a rather withdrawn, cold man. It's hard to get him to open up, and he tends to be a bit selfish, though mostly because he is afraid of being hurt further. His mate & future children are his world.

Looking for: Wolves in Ivalice to get to know, someone to teach him fighting (he's not big on group training) so he can protect his family

Not looking for: Lovers (he's very happily taken)

Plot ideas: Maybe someone to help him fight in secret (he'd probably sneak off and maybe cause some drama, as he would be embarrassed for Esarosa to know he was inexperienced in fighting)