
Onwards and Upwards [Challenge]


08-15-2016, 08:04 PM
Ooohhh she had it! Nixie ignored the fight as it continued, her attention snapping to the blind healer when she told her to shut up and threatened to have her cat eat her face. She was going to just ignore her, before someone else said they wouldn't let someone talk to them like that. She was right! Her momma wouldn't have let someone talk to her like that, and neither would Zephy or Ren! Her fur would puff up, making her look like she'd just come out of the dryer. Ooohhh that dumb blind wolf was gonna get it! Did she want her toes eaten too!? "Are you too scared to eat my face on your own without your stupid cat!?" She'd retort, the teal fluff ball getting up and racing towards Armai.

She'd never fought before...except for mostly play fighting, but she had teeth and she was gonna use them dammit! Armai wasn't that much bigger then her, but if the healer chose to throw her pussy cat in the fray then Nixie would have to eat its toes too! Dual toned eyes flashed with rebellion and anger, the tiny girl attempting to close the gap between them. She was aiming head on to Armai's left side, and Nixie sought to just barrel all of her fifty pounds into the silver fae's side. Should she manage to be successful, then the impact would more then likely bruise both of them.

Much to her natural instinct, Nixie's defenses set themselves. Her ears pinned tightly to her head, eyes narrowing as her face scrunched up with her efforts to further protect her face. Her shoulders had rolled forward, the girl using the points of them to aid in smashing into her opponents left side just on the center of Armai's ribs, as well as using them to help protect the sides of her neck. Her tail tucked beneath her, hackles bristling and teeth bared. Her scruff rolled and bunched forward, adding extra protection to her neck. Her weight was mostly thrown forward, hind legs spread and steadying her, claws biting the dirt and toes spread. Lastly, her head was lowered, chin tucked as she lowered them to better absorb the potential collision.

In her endeavors, jaws snapped open and she tilted her head inward towards Armai's left foreleg, bottom teeth seeking to latch onto the woman's armpit and top teeth seeking to dig into the outside of Armai's left foreleg. While she wasn't thinking about how much damage she could do (if any), she wasn't even really thinking about it as a real fight. She'd never fought before, so she was doing what she normally did with her siblings, except more...aggressive. Finally, her own left foreleg would sweep out in an attempt to hook Armai's left forepaw and drag it towards her, seeking to unbalance the other woman.

Nixie VS Armai for Dominance (I'll show you!)
Round 1/?