
Need You To Hold Me



8 Years
08-15-2016, 07:28 PM (This post was last modified: 08-15-2016, 07:29 PM by Solveiga.)

Minutes passed, enough time for Solveiga to start telling herself that he wasn't going to come. She sat in the moors alone and cried, her soft sobs drowned out by the thunder in the distance. No rain had begun to fall, but more than a few tears had found their way to the earth. She envisioned the uneven earth that had covered the body of her mother, the small bouquet of purple and white hyacinth that could only have been laid down by her brother. He and Solveiga were the only two who could have known that hyacinth were her favorite flowers. The kind of burial their mother deserved. And she had missed it by nearly a week, judging by how the flowers had wilted.

The woman trembled as another sob took over her, and moments later he came to rescue her. Regulus came running as fast as he could, looking around to make sure no one was physically trying to hurt her. And then, before she could even look up at him, the crimson male had wrapped himself around her. She drew in a trembling breath and let one more sob fall past her lips as she leaned fully against him. She let him support her as she grieved, as her heart struggled to stay in one piece.

Her baby blue eyes stayed closed until his low, gentle voice reached her ears and she slowly looked up. Her vision was a bit blurry, but she could still see his beautiful blue eyes looking into her own. He looked concerned. Was he really worried? About her? She swallowed hard and blinked more tears away. "My... my mother..." she managed to say, before yet another sob hit her and she buried her face in his chest, trying to seek solace in his warmth and his strength. But she still felt like she was falling, with nothing to hold on to. When again she found the ability to speak, it was in only a small, fragile whisper. "She's gone, she passed on and I had no idea until now... I have no family left, I..." With that she ran out of things to say. All she could do now was mourn, and hope that the sun would come out again at the end of this storm.

"Talk" "You" Think