
i'm such a fool for sacrifice



7 Years
Extra large

08-15-2016, 08:06 PM
When he first spoke, he half-expected Starling to leave - like he always seemed to do these days. Though his words were a bit firm, even scathing, he wasn't trying to be rude. He was being honest, as he had before, though his brother hadn't taken his words well. Now, at least he seemed to listen. His head drooped, and he swore he saw him cringe, if only slightly.

Despite the tension that began to build inside his chest, he couldn't help but laugh lightly at Starling's words. "Sì, molte cose stupide," he agreed fluidly. His own Italian was not nearly as flawless as Starling's. It hadn't been terribly interesting to him growing up, but it seemed far more important now that he was older. He was happy to talk to Starling this way, since it seemed easier for him, for a reason he never had begun to grasp.

Lark was surprised that Starling actually admitted he'd learned from his mistakes. "We miss you at home, you know," he stated tenderly as Starling moved to press into his shoulder. The touch was comforting, and he felt a warmth swell in his chest. "E io ti amerò sempre, Starling." Family had always meant the world to him, no matter what. Family before everything. It was his own private mantra, and one he knew he would never relinquish. "Ma si dovrebbe davvero tornare a casa ora. Abbiamo bisogno di te. Ognuno ti perdonerà." A lot had changed - and things felt lonelier now that they knew for certain their mother would never be welcomed home again, even if she tried. He tried to stifle a forlorn sign from leaving his throat.

The topic shifted suddenly, though, and he felt Starling retract. Lillie? What? His own brows pulled together as he regarded him with a confused look. "I..." he started, his tone a bit defensive - why, of all things, did he need to bring that up? "So what?" Why did it matter? It was the last thing he wanted to talk about, especially with his brother, and he wrinkled his nose as he regarded him.