
A merry pair are we



Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamous
08-15-2016, 08:11 PM
All of this was for her own amusement. His rudeness that first day they had met had branded him a lesser creature and if he wanted to change that opinion he was going to have to work very hard. Still, his lowly status didn't stop her body from responding to his touches out of instinct. Somewhere inside of her was a stupid, primal thing that refused to see him as anything other than a man. That annoying little bit - damn it and the emotional weight it carried - caused her heart to speed up as he moved along her side.

Her heart - damn it too - jumped when he used his nose to lift her tail. That was actually quite.... Damn him. And damn her silly girl hormones! This was not what she had been wanting. Well, it was, but it wasn't. He was behaving exactly as she hoped. She, on the other hand, was not.

She rather liked the way he felt against her. That kind of warmth and closeness wasn't easily replicated, and it was something she occasionally missed. Sabine thought herself too independent (and yes, too mean) to be capable of sticking with one person so she was quick to shun any true interest she'd ever felt towards someone. What that left her was a cheap imitation of love in the form of convenient relationships. Perhaps that was what had led her to this moment and the feelings she was struggling with. Her actions up until this point had been deliberate and mean. Her reactions, on the other hand, were anything but planned.

Ehrgeiz's teeth against her scruff pulled Sabine from her reverie and back to what she was doing and why she was doing it. She could almost feel his smugness. How pleased he must have felt to be able to fuck his keeper. That thought was enough to strengthen her resolve. In preparation of the moment she'd been waiting for Sabine tensed slightly. With a grunt on his lips Ehrgeiz pressed into her...


With a sudden forward jerk Sabine yanked herself free and wiggled from his grasp. She immediately swung around and sought to ram her left shoulder into his right shoulder in the hopes of throwing him to the ground. She wanted to make it very clear that she was in control. It was in his best interest to submit. "My dear Ehrgeiz, do you really think I'm that easy?" He might have been the one in a position of power, but he didn't get to think for one second that she couldn't - or wouldn't - spin around at her leisure and choke the life out of him. While she'd gotten a taste of him, she could walk away satisfied with the knowledge she'd given him blue balls, which was what she'd originally intended anyway before her feelings - or whatever that girly shit that made her heart race was - got in the way. There was a chance Ehrgeiz would get lucky for real, but he had to play his cards just right.

[Image: bK4cZNp.png]