
you're high and low



10 Years
Extra large
08-15-2016, 08:58 PM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2016, 10:17 AM by Áki.)
note: set in fall, ignore the date <3 repurposing this thread.

What a lovely sight. Áki could think of nowhere better to spend the evening. The sun had set quite some time ago, and the moon stood high in the sky, casting its eerie light down on the ocean. The darkness of the sky was broken up by its pale blueish-white light, cascading across the sky and the clouds, with the light of the stars twinkling through.  The night was cool and pleasant, with little more than a gentle breeze that rustled the grasses at the top of the cliffside, and he let out a content sigh as he stood at the edge of the world and looked beyond.

For a long while he faced the horizon, though before long he tilted his tusked head skyward. The stars had always fascinated him. They told stories, told of days past and days yet to come, though he hadn't been taught enough to even touch on the secrets they might hold. The constellation Sarva was an easy one to spot, but tonight he searched for something different.

It didn't take long to find, as his crimson stare danced over the array of stars above. He saw him there, the demon Boötes, looming as an ever-living threat in the night sky. The personification of winter, of the threat to survival that he represented. He breathed in quietly, exhaling slowly as he studied the sky with interest.