
You Make my Heart Flutter like a Tilt-a-Whirl



6 Years

08-15-2016, 09:13 PM

Esa perked as Steel grinned widely, hearing his words and tilting her head. "I don't know why." He would say in reply to her saying she loved him. He always had such doubts, but she wasn't going to nag him about it. Maybe one day he would finally realize his worth, especially in her eyes. For now, as long as he was happy with her, that made her happy, too. Him just being here with her, agreeing to go along with her shenanigans, made her happy. So much so, that she didn't have the words for it. She didn't know or understand half of what she felt inside, but she didn't want to question it - she simply wanted to feel it, and to follow its every whim. So far, it hadn't led her astray, and she trusted this feeling in her heart more than anything.

She smiled vibrantly when he returned the words of love, and as she joined him in the shallows, she tilted her head at his next question. She was taken aback, but not in a bad way. She hadn't even thought of it herself. What would they name their little ones? Her heart swelled as she realized how much Steel had really been thinking about the family that would soon be theirs. "Well, I suppose that'll depend on their genders," she mused softly, coming to stand close to his side, "Steel, do you have any names from your family that you want to pass down? My father's last name was Bade, so I kinda took that on for myself, but..." She'd never really thought about whether she would pass that name to her children. She supposed she'd never thought this would be relevant in her lifetime. And now she'd definitely have to start thinking about names - after all, the names wouldn't just magically come to her when the little ones arrived, and she wouldn't want them to go nameless for any amount of time.

And how many would there be? Would they be all girls? Or all boys? Or a mixture of both? Her head began to spin as she thought of how many there might be, and everything she'd have to do to prepare. She hoped the litter wouldn't be too large, but she was willing to do whatever she had to in order to care for them and raise them. And with Steel by her side, she knew everything would be just fine. He may have doubted himself as a potential parent, but she knew that his paternal instincts would be sparked when the time came, and that he would help her do everything that needed to be done. "So, do you have any names in mind?" she asked curiously, tail swishing through the water.

"Speak" "Listen" Think
[Image: JA7MsGH.png]