
Onwards and Upwards [Challenge]



6 Years
08-15-2016, 09:24 PM

ooc: Just to clarify Jackson is on Armai's right, and Xeph on her left. Shadowed gave me permission to powerplay Xeph moving out of the way so Nixie's attack is valid.

Armai was almost content with the fact that the child wasn't going to reply to her comment. Jackson came up on her right and sat agreeing to her earlier comment. She was glad she wasn't the only one who thought that way, but she knew it would put Riv in a difficult spot with Zephyra. More so than usual anyways. She could only hope that, if Riv won this fight, he'd do what needed to be done for the betterment of the pack.

Her ears would flick back to the child as she spit an insult at her. Her nose wrinkled in disgust as she listened to the girl. "I can't see your face, but I'd allow Nox to eat it simply because I'm sure your disgusting and she'd find enjoyment in it. She likes eating the face of children." She spat venomously as she tried to instill some fear into Zeph's sister. She as sure Nox did like a good fight now and again, but mostly she just wanted Nixie to shut up. No one had asked her to even stay in Myriad. If she didn't like Rivaxorus then she should have left a while ago.  

---- Fight begins here ----

To her surprise she heard feet thundering towards her and she was on her paws in an instant. Snarling from Nox was the only warning she got that Nixie was actually brazen enough to attack her. An ear flicked towards Xeph as he moved out of the way of the fight which was an automatic cue for her that Nixie was coming to her left side.

Ears would automatically flatten to get them out of the way and the skin on her face wrinkled to bunch around her narrowed eyes as an extra layer of protection. Her stance widened to even the balance on all four legs and her toes splayed and claws dug in to the dirt for traction. Her head would automatically lower as she remembered Xephyris' advice from the fight training and her chin tucked inwards in case Nixie went for her throat. Tail flagged out parallel to the ground for balance. She rolled her shoulders and let the skin bunch up around her neck for the extra padding where she needed it. She bent her legs slightly and tensed her muscles just enough so that she could either tighten them more to take the brunt of an attack or dodge if she needed to. Her lowered stance also meant that her stomach was protected just in case Nixie happened to be smaller than her. Lastly the fur along her spine rose and she bared her teeth in preparation for the oncoming fight. She wasn't a fighter but she'd be damned if she let a brat get the best of her.

Nixie crashed into her right at the center of her ribs on her left side and she felt Nixie's shoulders dig in painfully. Automatically she knew that it would probably be moderately bruised after the fight, but at the moment she didn't care. For now Armai's right legs would tense and claws dug into the dirt as they strained to keep her upright as the smaller wolf bowled into her. Her tail would sway to the left to make up for the weight shift before she tucked it down once she felt like she wasn't going to topple over.

As Nixie moved to bite the outside of her left front leg, Armai's own head would move to intercept her. She couldn't see what Nixie was doing, but she could hear and smell the girl. Her top teeth aimed right for the right side of Nixie's muzzle near the center while her bottom jaws sought to intertwine with Nixie's so that her bottom teeth would be biting into the roof of Nixie's mouth. She felt Nixie's left front paw wrap around her own left paw around the ankle so Armai raised it, upwards and out to the front a little, as she hoped that it would dislodge Nixie's foot from her own. Her weight shifted so that her other three legs took the brunt of her weight before she tried leaning all of her weight to the left, her tail flagging to the right as she did so. She was doing her best to ram all of her weight to the left so she could shove Nixie off balance while she moved to shove her shoulder into the left side of Nixie's neck where the shoulder and the flesh of the neck met in attempt to bruise her.

Nixie vs Armai for Dominance

Round 1 of 3

Walk, "Talk" Think "Nox"

[Image: fbq5Y6n.png]
[Image: Cri2E5V.png]
Armai has a female snow leopard companion that goes by the name of Nox. It can be assumed that she is always with Armai unless otherwise stated.