
Onwards and Upwards [Challenge]



9 Years
08-15-2016, 11:00 PM

Xephyris nodded in agreement with Armai, just as Jackson offered his opinion as well - those siblings were nothing but deadbeats in Myriad, and it was becoming more and more clear that they were completely disloyal, too. His eyes snapped back to the fight at hand, watching as the two wolves scrapped viciously for the upper hand. His claws kneaded the ground - he should have spent more time training with Riv. The Alpha's opponent didn't seem like much of a fighter and she wasn't much in size comparison with the male, but she was fighting pretty ferociously. Do your best, fight hard, Riv, he urged the young man in his mind. For a moment he was distracted, silver eyes glaring around - so many wolves had come, swarming the battlefield, and amongst them he noticed Karabela. He wasn't sure how he felt about seeing her here, but with tension thick in the air, his hackles prickled at the sight of her. He held a lot of grudges, but as of late, some things were beginning to fade to the back of his mind. She wasn't exactly his concern right now, so he looked away, his eyes sifting over the rest of the wolves.

His wandering eyes caught sight of Enigma, fixing hatefully on the brute. What was that bastard doing here? Did he have something to do with this? But as the brute spoke, it seemed he was delightfully surprised about the challenge, implying that he'd had no prior knowledge about it. Xeph's lips curled back, but his head whipped to look at Karabela as she yelled at Enigma. Oh, now this was amusing. There was a time when he would have been there to back up the man, and throw insults right back at Raba. But things were different now. He may have fought against the woman in the siege, but her hatred toward Enigma suddenly made him feel less animosity toward her. In fact, he couldn't help but to laugh out loud at her comment to the maimed man. Oh, how he wished he could have gotten in on that, but his attention snapped back to his pack mates.

Nixie was shouting back at Armai, and egged on by the comments of a bystander, she was now charging toward the blind healer. She was going to assault Myriad's healer? Did this selfish brat know the meaning of respect? Xephyris got to his paws, moving just slightly as the brat came bolting past him to throw herself at Armai. Bristling, muzzle wrinkled in fury, he watched as a fight broke out between the spoiled runt and the blind woman. His muscles tensed as he readied himself to rip Nixie off of Armai, but he realized he might not have to. No, he wasn't going to take that dignity away from the feisty healer. "Flatten her, Armai!" he rumbled, standing on edge in case he was needed - there was no way he was going to let this disrespectful brat hurt their healer, "About time someone teaches her a lesson!" And if Armai couldn't get the point across, he was going to make sure that Nixie learned a painful lesson from this. She didn't seem to have any idea of the gravity of her rebellious words and actions - she wasn't a pup, and he wasn't going to treat her like one if she wanted to act tough.

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: bHJYJQZ.png]