
A Little Twist Of Faite



6 Years

08-15-2016, 11:13 PM

"An unexpected pleasure." He answered and a soft wave of her tail and a warm smile was easily given. Strangers were always welcome in her presence so long as they were nice and so far he didn't have a bad impression of this man. He didn't return his name though and Faite decided she wouldn't press. She understood that sometimes wolves didn't like sharing names and she accepted whatever reasons he had for it. Even if it was that he just forgot to.

The tan coated male moved back some more allowing her to invade his space to get a closer look. She hesitated for a moment before she lightly hopped into the tank to get a better inspection of the thing. The metal felt strange beneath her paws and almost smooth in areas that rust hadn't settled in. She was still sad he didn't know what it was either, but all in all she was pleased with her finds. She'd certainly have a story to go home and tell everyone.

Her head rose as she looked back towards her current company as he asked her a question. She'd glance around their current location and she studied it for a moment. It seemed study beneath her paws and it had a good area where a wolf could sleep without getting wet. If this was where he wanted to hole up it wasn't a bad spot.

"Well if you're looking to sleep here it'd be a nice spot if you brought in something soft to lie on. It'll protect you from most weather it seems and shelter you from the heat and cold." She'd pause for a moment as an idea formed in her head. "If you're looking for a permanent home though I could bring you back to Celestial, my pack, if you wanted? You could meet my brother, Regulus. he leads the pack and you could talk with him to see if you'd like it there or not." It was an offer, one he could decline if he wanted, but he seemed like a nice guy. She had no doubt he'd fit in if he wanted to.

Walk, "Talk"

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[Image: sI0gGqh.png]