
You can't spell slaughter without laughter


06-17-2013, 02:55 PM
The two brutes wasted no time in attacking her. Pushing forward, Cat approached the screaming dame, eyes glued to her chest. She would have this bitches heart. Lip curled back in a snarl, jaws parting in order to grab her flesh. Crown shook violently as she tore flesh and muscle from the bone, wanting to reveal her pretty little ribs. Daggers snapped, jaws clicking together audibly, trying to get ahold of her ribs, her intent to snap them. She tuned out the two brutes, ignoring their desire to fuck her, all she listened to was the sound of the girls screams, her blood curlding howl. Blood began to stain her pelt, crimson blending in with the light gray. It had been so long since she had tasted another wolfs blood, or so it seemed. She felt the brutes shift around, switching who held the bitch by her throat. Cataleya usually kept her killings private, or with her just her brother. The second brute had moved to grab the back of her neck, leaving her torn throat exposed. And that was when she struck.

She looked down as the soft purple eyes of the woman, seeing nothing but hatred. A small smile tugged at her lips, lowering her crown, she cooed softly in the dames ear, "Don't fret my dear, this will only hurt a little. Words never lost their soft comforting purr as her jaws wrapped around the womans muzzle. Her grip was at an angle, lifting her head up so that her skull tilted to the side. Her screams where silence for a moment. Until Cat clamped her jaws together with crushing force. At the very least, the bones in her lower jaw would snap, rendering her jaw useless. She spit the womans jaws from her own, a devilish smile gracing her features. Her salmon tongue appeared, gently caressing her torn neck. The bitch would feel nothing but pain before she shook her last dying breath. Returning her chest cavity, the massive woman reared up, paws crashing down on her ribs. She didn't care if the bitch lived long enough for the brutes to fuck her or not, she wanted her beating heart. The was satisfying crack as her ribs began to facture under her heavy weight.